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Supporting Policies That Work for All Americans

two people playing tennis.

It’s no surprise that Americans overwhelmingly support their retirement plans and oppose policy proposals that threaten them. The vast majority agree that retirees should be able to manage their retirement assets as they see fit, and nine in 10 disagree with proposals to remove or reduce tax incentives for retirement savings. So why would Congress ever consider polices that risk the US retirement system? 

That’s right—some politicians are seeking to weaken 401(k) plans, IRAs, and other voluntary retirement accounts, favoring top-down plans or government-sponsored accounts instead. Some have even gone so far as to challenge the tax deferral that millions of ordinary Americans rely on to build their nest egg. That’s bad news for the middle class.

Certain press outlets have already parroted the theory from academics that the retirement system should be changed. However, savvy investors know that this system has empowered millions of Americans to retire successfully and will continue to do so in the future. Academic theories don’t always translate into real-world solutions, and disrupting a system that works for so many could have unintended consequences.

More than 120 million Americans—over 50% of US households—own investment funds, which enable workers to build wealth in their 401(k)s and other retirement plans. Notably, nearly half of these households earn less than $100,000 per year, indicating that investment funds are not just for the wealthy but are accessible to a diverse range of Americans. Additionally, 80% of people participating in a 401(k) plan contribute regularly, and for people in their 60s with at least 30 years of work experience, the average 401(k) balance is upwards of $400,000.

The ability to save for retirement on a tax-advantaged basis has been critical for ordinary households. And the freedom to choose how to invest allows Americans to customize their investment strategies based on their personal financial goals, how much risk they're comfortable with, and when they plan to retire. These hallmark features of voluntary accounts have helped everyday Americans of all backgrounds generate wealth and income that provides for them in their golden years. 

Retirement plans are paving the way for more Americans to achieve a secure financial future. By preserving the features of voluntary retirement plans that Americans cherish and building on their successes, policymakers can strengthen the middle class for generations to come.

At Secure Financial Future, we prioritize investor choice, affordability, and ensuring a secure retirement. We are dedicated to giving a voice to investors and defending their investments from negative policy proposals. By supporting thoughtful regulation through advocacy, education, and expanding access, we aim to empower investors and pave the way for a more robust economy and a brighter future for all Americans.

Join our action network as we seek to empower investors in their quest for a secure financial future. Together, we can build on the legacy of success and ensure another century of financial empowerment and opportunity for all.